Potty Training a Pomsky

This post covers how to potty train your pomsky using positive reinforcement methods. With a consistent schedule and potty location, your pomsky will be potty trained quickly.

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 Designate a Potty Area (Inside and Outside)


When you first bring your pomsky home, you should have a designated area where your pomsky will go potty indoors. We recommend using a pee pad with a pee pad cover. This will prevent your pomsky from ripping up the pee pad. Place the pee pad in a corner and keep it there. This will be where your pomsky learns to go potty if they cannot make it outdoors, or if they are left home alone. If needed, you can spray the pee pad with a “go here” attractant. This will make potty training easier and will attract your puppy to this location.



Decide where you will take your pomsky potty outside. This will be a place you go frequently (5-10 times per day), so make sure it is easily accessible. Select a location with minimal distractions and no edible items.


Basic Steps

1.     Grab the leash and take your pomsky outside to the designated potty spot.

2.     Stand in the location and wait 2-5 minutes. Be patient and boring – don’t move around too much or play with your pomsky.

3.     If your pomsky starts sniffing or circling, they may be ready to go potty.

4.     Once 5 minutes have passed, or your pomsky has gone potty (whichever happens first) go inside.

5.     If your pomsky went potty, praise them and give them a treat.

6.     If your pomsky did not go potty, bring them inside and continue to watch for signs that they may need to go potty.

Potty Signs

Watch for signs that your pomsky has to go potty. These include:

·       Sniffing the floor

·       Walking in circles

·       Sitting by the door

·       Having “zoomies”


Go Often

As a puppy, your pomsky may need to go potty more frequently. Try taking your puppy out potty at least every hour, or every 30 minutes if your pomsky has recently eaten. Take your puppy out when they wake up after a nap. If you go to work, make sure your puppy has a pee pad in their designated space. Only leave your pomsky home alone for 4 hours or less during the potty training phase.

Take your pomsky out potty about 20 minutes after they drink water. When your puppy is in the process of potty training, it is helpful to remove the water bowl. The water bowl can be removed before you plan on leaving, or a few hours before bedtime to limit the need for your puppy to go potty.


Create a Routine

Create daily routines for when you take your pomsky out potty. This will make potty breaks predictable for your puppy and will reduce the chances of them having an accident. An example of a potty schedule for people who go to work would look like this:

6 am – Wake up – Take Pomsky out potty

7 am – Take Pomsky out potty

7:45 am – Leave for work, Take Pomsky out potty

12 pm – Lunch break – Take Pomsky out potty

5 pm – After work – Take Pomsky out potty

Take your puppy out each 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes until bedtime. If you are able to stay home throughout the day, take your Pomsky out potty each 1 hour 30 minutes throughout your day. Make sure to take your pomsky out if they just wake up from a nap, or if they have recently had food or water.


Reward Your Pomsky

Give your pomsky a treat and praise each time they go potty outside. In the beginning, there should be a big celebration each time your puppy goes potty in the right location. Clap your hands and say “great job going potty outside!” Giving your pomsky this positive attention and treats will help them quickly learn what is expected of them.


Accidents Happen

When your pomsky has an accident, just ignore them and clean up the accident. Your puppy is still learning and will continue to make progress if you reward their good behaviors. Clean up the accident well so it doesn’t smell. Make sure to let your accident cleaner soak for 10-15 minutes. This usually helps remove stains and odors and prevents your puppy from returning to that location to go potty.





Patience and consistency are the key factors in potty training a pomsky. Create daily routines to make the schedule more predictable for your pomsky. Reward your puppy each time they go potty outside and they will begin to associate treats with going potty in the correct location.

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